BBx ID Solutions


Biometric solutions are rarely available off-the-shelf, they have to be customized for each customer. Today we are seeing a growing demand for customized solutions for a company’s specific needs. Due to diverse security requirements in various industries, customized biometric solutions must be individually tailored to the needs of the customer. Consulting, planning and solution design are key pillars for success. That is the challenge, that makes the difference and that is what we can do best.

We use our long year experience – being involved in so many different biometric identification and authentication projects, to help customers understand the whole biometric process and to design a solution which meets the requirements and challenges at 100%

We offer a wide range of  services to support our clients in all aspects of biometrics in the best possible way.





As an EMEAI wide operating competence center for biometrics we offer full consulting to lead and to accompany customers through their newly planned biometric identification and authentication projects. Whether building an identity management program from the very beginning, incorporating biometrics into an existing platform, or simply trying to understand how biometrics can help your organization improve its identity management process, BBx ID Solutions experts can show you how to get from where you are to where you want to be in the end. More importantly, we will be your partner from the start of your project to the end and beyond.

As vendor independent consultants we provide unbiased guidance in all aspects of biometric implementation. Our expertise is based on many years of project experience. We have carried out numerous national and international projects in different market segments. We know biometrics and everything we do is biometrics-related. Furthermore, we understand the challenges, the intricacies and the cutting edge of biometrics. We have actively participated in national and international working groups for biometrics. In order to successfully complete a biometrics project, it is essential to communicate with the customer and with all parties involved at all times. This is an important factor for success.

In most cases, the customer is not familiar with the topic of biometrics and all the factors that need to be taken into account when using biometrics in a company. And that is why our communication starts with an in-depth consulting before the actual project management. The use of biometrics is an investment, and this investment has to be made sensibly, and this is exactly where we start with our consulting.

Solution Design

BBx ID Solutions  can show you how to get from where you are to where you want to be in the end. More importantly, we will be your partner from the start of your project to the end and beyond. We rely on digital co-creation, because this is the key to success in the development of new solutions the key to success.

Biometric solutions do not always have to focus exclusively access control, PC log-in, mobile phone log-in, payment or border control. There are numerous examples that were originally motivation, finally led to a biometric solution. Also in this area we can build on many years of international experience and we have already successfully implemented numerous concepts via an appropriate solution design in real productive systems.


Projects that are primarily based on a biometric solution require a wide range of different skills and knowledge but also many years of project management experience from the field, in order to meet the requirements for a successful project completion.

BBx ID Solutions fulfills this requirement for both traditional and agile project management. This allows BBx ID Solutions to flexibly adapt at any time to the customer requirements and the demands on the system solution.

BBx ID Solutions uses the PDCA cycle system (Plan – Do – Check – Act). Thus, at any time of the project a possibly necessary adjustment due to changing parameters can be made quickly and efficiently.


Our service team takes care of comprehensive training programs for customer staff. The general goal of this step is to provide employees, managers or IT operator with adequate knowledge to use the systems and installations effectively. Comprehensive training programs will be designed for each client individually, providing training in the basic skills and the ability to access the respective system. Additionally we offer selected Webinars, e-Learning courses and Video Conferencing sessions.

Personalized Training Plans
Manage course interest, receive dynamic progress feedback and export transcript records.

Training by Role
Develop professional skills by selecting courses applicable to your role.

Expert Instructors
Courses developed and kept current by subject-matter experts.

Training by Product
Expand knowledge & skills by selecting courses by product focus.

Maintenance & Service

The sustainable use of biometric products & solutions is ensured by professional maintenance and guaranteed. We pass on our product experience and expertise to selected local partners, who provide the corresponding services.

A maintenance concept always depends on the respective solution and also its location and intended use. We work out an efficient maintenance & service concept in cooperation with our customers and our partners. For the second level support we are additionally always at your disposal.